
Welcome to Bolster Insurance

The right insurance provides peace of mind, both during a move and especially when something unexpected occurs. The guided Bolster Insurance program ensures your belongings are properly valued and therefore properly insured. If this is all new to you, don’t worry! Bolster Insurance has you covered.

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About Bolster Insurance

How it all started
The Dutch household goods movers led the way when European law (IDD) forced insurance processes to be managed differently. They were instrumental in helping to design a platform which would satisfy the needs of their clients and other stakeholders. With reliable partners such as Howden Insurance Brokers Nederland and Get Hooked for the technology component, Bolster Insurance created a unique service dedicated to improving the insurance and claims process for the global and domestic household goods moving industry.

About Bolster Insurance
Compliance legislation changes around the world, privacy requirements and technology advances have changed how insurance services should be delivered. Right off the bat, Bolster Insurance’s coverage and claims processes are fully digitalized. And it doesn’t stop there, because the consultation process has been revolutionized. First off, the household goods mover is no longer involved in the insurance process. That doesn’t mean they are not engaged in providing high-quality moving services but in most places, selling and importantly, providing consultation about insurance requires professional certification. Most movers don’t or can’t comply with this requirement. Bolster Insurance does. And it stands to reason that professional guidance is needed. Understanding the risks, terms and offerings can be complex. In almost all cases, disappointments in a claims resolution directly stems from an improper insurance valuation. This is set up before the move takes place and this is where Bolster Insurance shines. Our fully automated guided valuation process ensures terms and optional coverages are easily explained. Four distinct packages means the right level of protection is selected. MyBolster’s dashboard features secure, 24/7 and paperless access to all policy and claims information. And remember the mover? We know the very best around the world – after all, we see their claims. And as a partner with Bolster Insurance, they benefit from our Claims-free Reward Program and valuable, comparable and therefore meaningful performance data.

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The faces behind Bolster Insurance

Who are the people behind the Bolster Insurance platform?

Annemieke Verhorst-Lemsom

Founder of Bolster Insurance

Annemieke is the proud founder of the Bolster Insurance platform. Her goal is that customers can rest assured about their household being well covered in case anything goes wrong with the transition. She is also a member of the Claims Prevention and Procedure Council based in the US, where she meets like-minded claims handlers and restorers twice a year. She started implementing this network and expertise to the European continent, greatly improving the claims handling processes throughout Europe. With all her experience in the Global Mobility Industry, her broad network and the Bolster Insurance platform being ready, Annemieke finally feels able to improve assignees’ happiness and smooth landings on their new locations.

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Tim van Tartwijk

Cofounder of Bolster Insurance

Tim van Tartwijk, co-founder of Bolster Insurance, is always searching for the essence of what drives people in order to fuel them and their businesses. Tim spotted the opportunity to make insurances in the relocation industry more transparent and more personal. A vision he shares with Annemieke. That is why they founded Bolster Insurance together. In association with marketing agency Get Hooked, they developed and built the Bolster Insurance brand and platform to where it is today; a fully digitized easy-to-understand insurance and claims platform that relieves employers and movers of the insurance process. Tim: ‘I believe in changing traditional ways of working through technology, as an investment in an exciting future!’

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